10 Helpful YouTube Marketing Strategies 

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YouTube is an excellent and viable platform to organically grow your business image and online presence. 


Recent statistics reveal YouTube as the second most populated social media after Facebook even though the majority seem not to consider YouTube a social media platform. 


Marketing is easier and more profitable with the right volume of audience.


Having identified the high usefulness of this platform called YouTube, it’s important to take full advantage of its usefulness by making use of well-crafted stepwise strategies that are helpful and would give you an edge at marketing your business brand. 


10 YouTube Marketing Strategies


1.Create A YouTube Channel 


Create A YouTube Channel


Going into YouTube marketing definitely requires that you have access to the platform by opening an account with Google. 


Even though YouTube has over two billion monthly users according to the statistics, opening a YouTube channel has never been a hassle. 


Following the right instructions would fast-track the whole process. One thing to note while setting up your account is to avoid linking your personal Google account to your channel. 


It’s much better and preferable to use a different Google account to register your brand channel. 


This has some advantages like allowing others aside from you to manage the channel, which is helpful when you’re not available to do the managing yourself. 


Another advantage is that it helps you keep your privacy; you don’t have to let out important and private information all in the name of running a YouTube channel.


What’s next? You need a name for your YouTube channel. It’s important you choose a name that resonates with your brand and the niche you intend to explore. 


The next step is to pimp up your channel using amazing designs and logos of your brand. Your bio should give a detailed description of your brand and the kind of video contents viewers should be on the lookout for. 


Do well to also attach the rest of your social media handles (email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) to aid visibility. Now, you’re set to start your journey of YouTube marketing.


2.Discover Your Target Audience And Niche 


Discover Your Target Audience And Niche


Identifying and deciding your target audience and finding your niche is a crucial step in YouTube marketing. 


It’s imperative to Identify the particular groups of people who are most likely interested in your content and tailor your videos to cater to their needs and preferences. 


Doing this helps you create content that resonates with your audience, increases engagement, and ultimately helps you grow your YouTube channel. 


For example, if you have a “Beauty and Skincare” brand; the females would be the right audience with more preference for young ladies. 


Having identified your target audience, you can then create videos that revolve around workouts, face washing, makeup tips etc. to serve your audience and keep them informed. 


You have now identified “Beauty and Skincare” as your niche and your brand has a target for young women in general.


Your niche can also be influenced by making inquiries into what people are looking out for or seeking to watch on YouTube. 


It’s imperative to also note that your audience has different needs; some are on YouTube to get information, get educated or get entertained with hilarious content.


3. Identify And Learn From Competitors 


Identify And Learn From Competitors


No matter how novel your niche might look, you’ll definitely have competitors on the YouTube platform. 


The truth is, there are one or two people or more somewhere who have conceptualized and ventured into the same niche you’re planning to step into. 


There’s a lot of good in finding out these competitors, especially the ones on top of the ladder of influence in such niches. 


Finding them out is good; however, the best thing you can do to help yourself is to dig into what they’ve done over time to scale up to where they are. 


You might have to pick up their videos from the very first content and watch in order while observing and analyzing how they started in terms of quality and accuracy in targeting their audience.


Observing the trend in how they started and walked up their way to mastery will definitely be useful in starting your journey.


It is also important to note down the mistakes they made especially when starting out and be determined to avoid that.


It is also noteworthy to spot their weak points or what they seem to be missing out even now that they’ve seen to have demonstrated mastery. 


If you can carefully work on those things they have neglected, it would serve as your own unique strength and help you thrive better in that niche.


4. Be Creative, Go For Quality 


Be Creative, Go For Quality


Now that you have learned from your competitors, creativity is something you can’t afford to joke with. 


Your competitors have most likely gotten the attention of most YouTube viewers, you don’t want to take chances at the slight opportunity you have at proving how competent you are offering them what they need and even more. 


You want to really catch the attention of your audience within the first few seconds of your video content and give them a good impression about how far you can go in giving them the quality content they’ve always wanted.


One important way to employ creativity is in your designs, brand logo and the title or topic for each of your video content. 


You need to develop the skill of using the right, concise, and specific topics for your video content; the ones that reflect the keywords usually used by YouTube viewers. 


This would go a long way to improve the visibility of your content amongst other videos of similar topics. Also, it takes creativity to organize your thoughts while developing your content. 


Viewers appreciate content that is concise and specific to their needs. Being able to satisfy your audience requires that you’re creative and go for quality.


5. Produce Topnotch Videos 


Creating great video content starts with doing research into the specifics of what your audience really needs. The understanding of this will greatly help you to make content that is appealing and specific to their needs. 


Moreover, you have to be ready to invest in quality instruments and equipment that will serve your needs. 


The role of quality cameras, microphones, camera/phone holders, lighting systems etc. cannot be downplayed if you’re really serious about producing great video content. It’s therefore important you invest some funds into that area.


The tips you’ve garnered by studying your competitors are also valid here as you’d need them to make quality videos. 


You might also want to pay attention to the backgrounds you’d be using for your videos. Ensure you have beautiful backgrounds that can enhance the quality of your videos. 


It’s not irrelevant to also work on your accents, grammar, and diction. Nobody wants to hear you make grammatical blunders or make mistakes with your video texts; this makes it difficult to hamper effective communication and puts viewers off.


6. Draw Out A Schedule For Posting Your Videos 


Consistency in posting video content is crucial in your journey of YouTube marketing. Establishing a regular schedule helps you to build anticipation in the minds of your audience and keep them engaged. 


Your sense of consistency helps to portray a sense of reliability and professionalism, which plays a pivotal role in improving your brand image. 


Moreover, scheduling your videos allows you to plan and prepare content in advance, ensuring that you consistently deliver high-quality videos. 


Sticking to a consistent posting schedule could increase your chances of appearing in YouTube’s recommended videos and search results further contributing to an increase in visibility and reach. 


One thing that would really help you achieve consistency with posting content is building a calendar for that purpose. 


At the least, you should be able to provide content on a weekly basis; it could be on weekends or on Mondays. And while doing that, stick to that particular day and time of the week. 


Creating short episodic video contents that break your topic into bits that can easily be understood by viewers can as well help you achieve a steady stream of content and help to whet your viewers’ appetite for the next episode. 


This ultimately helps your subscribers to stay glued to your channel. 


7. Leverage Seo For Content Promotion 


Leverage Seo For Content Promotion


Another essential step in enhancing your YouTube marketing strategy is utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) to promote your content. 


One of the hacks to ranking higher in search engine results, plus increasing visibility and reach is by leveraging SEO. This is done by conducting keyword research to identify relevant and popular search terms that conform to your content. 


Strategically incorporating these keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags can greatly improve your chances of appearing in search results.


Furthermore, optimizing your video captions, thumbnails, and transcripts with matching keywords can further improve your content’s visibility. 


Carefully implementing SEO best practices would help to further attract more organic traffic to your YouTube channel, increase engagement with your videos, and grow your subscriber base in the long run. 


Regularly analyzing and refining your SEO efforts is also crucial to staying ahead of the competition and optimizing the results of your content promotion.


8. Integrate Youtube Shorts 


As one looking to do well in YouTube marketing, one important aspect you shouldn’t neglect is YouTube shorts. Over time, the YouTube algorithm has promoted short videos. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to go with the flow. 


YouTube shorts have come to the limelight in YouTube marketing, providing a new and helpful way to connect with target audiences. 


Through the integration of YouTube shorts into your marketing strategy, you get to provide viewers with short, snappy videos that leave lasting impressions.


 These videos with short durations provide an avenue to put your brands out there, share quick tips or tutorials, or even give an inkling of upcoming content. 


The format and outlook that characterize YouTube shorts are tailored towards mobile viewing, ensuring they reach a wider audience. 


By leveraging the popularity of YouTube shorts, you can increase brand visibility, drive traffic to your channel, and ultimately boost engagement and conversions.


9. Leverage Youtube Advertisement 


YouTube paid advertisements are potent tools worthy of consideration in YouTube marketing strategy. You can easily cover a wider audience and increase brand visibility with the effective use of YouTube ads. 


Through these ads, you easily target specific locations, interests, behaviors and demographics, ensuring that your contents get to the right set of people. 


Given the wide coverage and user engagement peculiar to YouTube, your ads have the potential to generate quality engagements and drive traffic to your channel. 


In addition, you can combine the power of YouTube advertisement, Influencer marketing and social media marketing. 


By posting the links of your video content on the status walls of WhatsApp and Facebook platforms, you can reach more subscribers. 


It’s important to also get your viewers to like, share and subscribe to your channel as you drive traffic towards it.


10. Analyse And Assess Your Progress 


Analyse And Assess Your Progress


As much as you diligently apply the above-listed strategies, it’s important to periodically track your progress and see the areas where you need to improve. 


Monitoring your progress at least once a month would help you get better and work towards achieving your goals. One advantage that comes with YouTube is its built-in reports. 


This helps you track what your audience really wants, their most preferred content and the sources of your traffic. 


Using YouTube analytics, write down the results of your subscribers, views, impressions, watch duration, click-through rates, etc. 


Then on a periodic basis, assess the results and compare them to see how much you’re progressing.




YouTube is an excellent platform for marketing and promoting your brand. By leveraging the great number of users who either look for informative, educational, or hilarious contents, you can scale up marketing for your brand, using the above-listed strategies.

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