Drive Revenue Growth: 7 Winning Customer Satisfaction Strategies

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Online sellers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing annually. 


With all those big bucks going into reaching new customers, the fact remains that word-of-mouth is still one of the most effective marketing tactics. 


And what better way to save on your marketing budget than for your existing customers to become your biggest cheerleaders?


In today’s hypercompetitive e-commerce industry, customer experience and satisfaction are key to thriving in this market where countless alternatives are a click away. 


The power of customer satisfaction brings new customers, yes, but it also unlocks explosive revenue growth. Building long-term customer relationships is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. 


The question is – how do you go from one-time buyers to retained customers and sustainable revenue streams? 


We’ve compiled a guide guaranteed to make your revenue grow exponentially by revealing the best customer satisfaction strategies. 


Offer Loyalty Programs


Imagine a customer buys from your online store once, or even multiple times. Why not give that individual an incentive to place another order?


According to a study by McKinsey & Company, 59% of customers who participate in loyalty programs have increased positive feelings for the company and 43% will shop more frequently from that store.


Offering benefits to your existing customers like discounts, redeemable reward points, and exclusive early access to upcoming collections enables customers to make repeat purchases.


A customer is more prone to deviate towards a brand that recognizes their repeat purchases and offers rewards. It’s basic human psychology – make your repeat customers feel special and they’re bound to keep coming back.


Offer Loyalty Programs


Most airlines offer loyalty programs with redeemable points that allow customers to avail exclusive discounts and offers. 


Similarly, Starbucks retains its customers by offering stars on every purchase. With millions of members worldwide, Starbucks’ loyalty program also includes tier-based memberships. 


The higher the tier, the more the privileges and rewards, including discounts, free drinks and food items, customized drinks, double star earnings, and merchandise.


At the end of the day, you’re looking at a group of customers that become your brand ambassadors using word-of-mouth and develop brand loyalty with your store, especially if the products are consumable or disposable.


If you’re interested, we have a detailed guide on building customer loyalty with all the tips and tricks you’ll need in one place.


Retarget Abandoned Carts 


For any e-commerce seller, the number of abandoned carts can get demotivating at one point. However, by deploying the right strategies to retarget such customers, your brand can recover conversion rates by 26%!


For starters, cart abandonment is common in the e-commerce industry. In fact, it’s a global phenomenon that for every 100 interested customers, 30 will leave the site without going through with the purchase. 


First things first, it’s worth viewing your online store from a customer’s perspective. Look through the factors and analyze any gaps that make your customers shift to your competitors. 


For instance, maybe a customer abandons their cart last minute because of limited or insecure payment options. Another customer had second thoughts once they saw the shipping duration or returns and refund policy. 


Speaking of returns and refunds – if you’re managing your store using a dropshipping model, read up on refunds and dropshipping returns in 2024.


Sometimes even the simplest factors like the user interface at checkouts can deter a customer from finalizing their purchase.


Make sure that you address these issues before retargeting cart abandonments. If factors like these are what’s causing cart abandonments, retargeting wouldn’t help. 


Retarget Abandoned Carts


Now, let’s see what you can do if your customers are abandoning their carts simply because of a distraction, technical issues, or comparing competitors.


Revolutionize your business through AI marketing in one go. If your store is just getting on its feet and can’t possibly retarget every cart-abandoning customer, AI technology can help.


Using this technology, you can retarget customers who are most likely to buy from you by analyzing their interests, behaviors, and shopping patterns. 


Another retargeting factor that makes all the difference is how quickly you act. Retargeting ads that reach customers within 24 hours certainly increase the possibility of them purchasing. 


A trick to get your message across more effectively is to personalize your retargeting ads and/or emails. 


Add the customer’s first name and include the images and description of their selected product/s to veer them back. If possible, add an incentive, such as a small discount or free shipping to appeal to the customer.


Upselling & Cross-selling


Every other e-commerce seller dreams of boosting their average order value, but how do you get around to doing that? The answer lies in upselling and cross-selling to potential customers. 


Let’s get down to understanding both concepts first, though.


Suppose a potential customer is on your website looking for cat food. They add a 1 kg bag to their cart. 


They immediately get a notification to buy a 5 kg bag instead, offering more value and convenience. Or, they could go for a more expensive alternative with better quality, too.


The above scenario is an example of upselling, where you’re suggesting a better, more expensive version of a product they’re already interested in.


Upselling & Cross-selling


On the other hand, cross-selling recommends complementary products to an item the customer is already in the process of buying. 


For instance, a potential customer may be on the lookout for a leather wallet. They find one on your website that’s perfect for their requirements and add it to their cart. 


This is the cue for an online store to step in and recommend items that pair well with the wallet, such as matching keychain and card case.


A common cross-selling practice in the fashion industry is the full-outfit trend. In other words, if you’re already adding jeans to your cart, the store will show you a complete look with the top, shoes, and accessories to go with it.


You’re more likely to buy that top once you see how well it goes with the pair of jeans even if you weren’t looking for it in the first place, right? 


While we’re on the topic, do you own a clothing brand and don’t have access to professional product photography services that meet the standards and elevate your product’s visual appeal? GloballyFulfill’s apparel and clothing photography and videography services are exactly what you need!


In both cases, the right recommendations can increase your store’s average cart value. From a customer’s perspective, you understand their needs, and they’re more likely to gravitate towards your brand for future purchases.


For this reason, it’s best to stick to relevant suggestions that add value to your potential customers’ buying process instead of pushing products they don’t need. 


Contrary to common misconception, you can utilize these strategies after a customer has made the purchase, too, not just during the process.


Existing customers who have already made satisfactory purchases from your store are more likely to trust your recommendations and opt for better product options the next time around.


Product Details


Put yourself in a customer’s shoes and imagine buying a product that looks nothing like what’s shown in the images. You’d be disappointed, to say the least. 


Sure, high-quality images and product descriptions are a means of boosting your initial revenue. However, on the bright side, it also impacts your customer satisfaction rates. 


Product Details


You don’t want your products to seem like a low-grade option in front of competitors. Product descriptions and visual images are essential to ensuring that doesn’t happen.


If the actual products on your online store are delivered as per what you’re showcasing, it increases customers’ satisfaction. 


Alternatively, suppose your product descriptions aren’t detailed enough, or the images lack proper product showcasing. 


If your potential customers place an order in the first place, the real thing might not meet their expectations, which decreases the chances of them making another purchase from your store.  


Another aspect to take into consideration is product branding. You want to think outside the box (or product shelf) that makes your products unique and memorable for your potential and existing customer base. 


Need help with product branding services? We’ve got you covered.


For instance, if Nike didn’t have its iconic logo and designs, it would be just another brand selling sneakers in the market. 


Customers tend to buy from brands that ditch the generic product outlook that every other seller has in their store. Plus, you don’t want your product to get lost in the crowd, so don’t overlook product branding.


Live Chat Support 


Suppose a customer visits your website, runs into a problem mid-shopping process, and has to wait 24-48 hours for an email response. As a customer, you’d want to move to the next site instead of a prolonged wait. 


Now imagine that customer getting an immediate answer to their queries. Not only will it eliminate waiting time frustration, but also address purchasing roadblocks in real-time, reducing cart abandonment rates as well. 


In the bigger picture, live customer support has more benefits than just answering customers’ questions. A company that includes this feature ultimately looks at increased conversions, long-term customers, and revenue boosts. 


Companies using live chat see a 48% increased revenue per chat hour, testifying to the effectiveness of this customer satisfaction strategy in the sales dimension.


Live Chat Support


Live chat support that pops up an immediate greeting also adds a personalized touch for website visitors. When customers feel valued, they’re more likely to make that purchase.


Moreover, an empathetic team at the back end of your customer support can boost your sales significantly. Your customers will feel heard, enabling them to build trust with your brand.


An added benefit of live chat support is that it increases the likelihood of cross-selling and upselling to your potential customers on-spot. 


Ultimately, if a website visitor accepts all cookies, chat agents can access the person’s browsing history and purchase habits. With this data, your support team can make personalized recommendations to customers.  


So, don’t let potential customers slip away with unanswered questions. Open a live chat window and watch your satisfaction and sales soar!


Customer Surveys


If you’re one of the online sellers that moves to the next customer once a purchase goes through, it’s time to rethink your customer retention strategy.


No, we’re not talking about the “thanks for your purchase” automated message customers receive at the end of a purchase.


Customer retention involves multiple steps, but a crucial element of it is to take the lead on customer surveys. 


Not only are they a golden ticket to showcasing 5-star reviews, but keep your brand at the top of customers’ minds the next time they’re shopping again.


Customer Surveys


But that’s not all – even the bad reviews come in handy when you’re running a business. Customer surveys reveal what resonated with your customers and what went wrong. 


Consequently, you’re looking at insights that help identify pain points and gather valuable feedback on products, services, and overall experience.


With that said, surveys are just the starting line. Online sellers that actively listen to their customer reviews, analyze data, and take prompt action gradually boost customer satisfaction and business revenue. 


Post-Purchase Engagement


We’ve highlighted that customer surveys can knock the ball out of the park for customer satisfaction. 


Although, post-purchase engagement persuades customers that your brand goes the extra mile to keep them on board, which increases the number of long-term customers.


A major benefit of online selling is that you acquire customers’ emails when they buy something from your store. 


While you can utilize these emails for sending promotional offers, discounts, and more, there’s another benefit: personalizing post-purchase communication.


Post-Purchase Engagement


Look at post-purchase engagement as a more personalized approach to email marketing. 


Besides brand marketing, show the customer you care about them by sending them blogs, tutorials, and other resources relevant to their recent purchase.


These tailored touchpoints remind customers you value their relationship, encouraging repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth.


Don’t let the post-purchase curtains fall. Engage with your customers frequently to build lasting relationships and escalate those sustainable revenue lines. 


Final Verdict


We’ve reached the end of this guide. By now, you know the best tactics to boost those customer satisfaction numbers and generate sales from your repeated customers. 


Customer retention is undoubtedly tough. However, attracting new customers is tougher. Therefore, spend your dollars ensuring your customers keep coming back for more. After all, the rewards are sweeter than any one-time sale.


With these strategies, you’ll see massive revenue growth alongside a community of loyal customers who become your brand advocates. 


Create a business that stands out for its customer experience on top of your offered products or services. These strategies will help you put that plan into action and guarantee new heights of business success. 

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